Learning and development programs

Learning and Development Professional: creating leadership development programs and training human resources.

When I started this course as a learning and development professional, I knew very well what I was doing. Since I started working as a multimedia expert, producing websites, marketing strategies, social media advertising and online marketing plans, I have often been asked by clients to also take care of the training of their internal staff. In fact, an intelligent leader knows very well what are the multi-channel tools he needs to communicate his online presence and be successful, but often the internal staff does not have the time and perhaps the enthusiasm to keep up to date on the use of the various technologies.

For this reason, therefore on the basis of an extrinsic motivation, as well explained by Karl Kapp in the course “Gamification of learning”, around 2009 I began to release video courses for my clients, to help them in the training process of their team, at the time from a purely technical point of view. Thanks to software that allow video recording of actions on the monitor, good communication skills, ability to synthesize and clarity of the content transmitted, I have continued to create video courses or video reviews for a long time. Moving to South East Asia in 2012, my days became even more busy and I only had time to continue creating tailor-made courses to understand technical specifications on the use of certain software or technologies.

So my relationship with training as a trainer was necessary as a complement to my work as a multimedia expert. Also for work, I moved from Thailand to Cambodia in 2018. Here I worked as a freelancer for a period of about two years. In all cases, since I have been here, I have often been asked to deal with team training, especially in the area of strategic marketing and digital communication. It has been a year now that I think I should seriously consider teaching subjects related to my long experience as a multimedia producer and developing my natural skills as a trainer and coach.

This Become a Learning and development professional training course was a very important first step to put in action a natural ability as trainer. Finally designing learning programs starting from a more conscious idea of learning organization and training methods

A business development that, however, I see in the form of personal progress, because I firmly believe that as we grow, we must have no fear to support for the training of new professionals. Indeed I think that being part of the progress of a country bringing know-how and added value in terms of problem solving and strategic thinking, it is a great opportunity to give even more meaning to our life instead to focus on our sole career.

A big problem widespread almost everywhere, but still very much felt in SEA, is that old school leadership is not very open when it is about introducing new management and leadership methods and systems.

Especially in countries now under development, leaders want the advantages of new technology and digital transformation, but often without adopting new logics for the business development focusing only on their brand, finally keeping on identifying
their employees just as “company costs” and not as real company asset in form of human resources.

So let’s talk about “investing” in the training of your team, stopping to talk about “employees” and finally using the word “resources”.


training solutions for organizations


Who is this profile that works for your brand helping you to develop your business as a resource for the company and not just as an expense?

This kind of profile, beside of being ready to work hard, should have specific attitude and mind set for example:

1. Keep its technical knowledge constantly up to date
2. Improve soft skills and interests that lead to personal growth and become of course more added value for the company
3.  Maintain the level of intellectual curiosity and desire to learn high
4. Know his/her core talents and be interested in cultivating more
5. Be resilient, be optimist, and be ready to change the status quo bringing innovation where needed

Indeed, almost all job advertisements ask for exactly this: team members ready to work hard to help the company grow in this delicate phase of digital transformation, continuing to develop their skills.

Dear recruiter friends: does the work environments in which these human resources go to lend their work performance offer adequate stimuli and growth spaces so that these human resources are motivated to produce quality VS quantity and stay in the long term?


The main problem of local companies is the staff turnover at every level.

What’s the point of hiring great people if you can’t keep them?

Roberta Matuson, in the course of her Developing Manager in Organization, part of the complete path “Become a Learning and development professional”, tackles this issue very well. Roberta Matuson’s course is one of those that impressed me the most.
Always with her feet on the ground and reminding the trainers that training must be for the benefit of the company that pay, keeping well in mind that the final commercial objectives of the training must always remain in focus, Roberta Matuson tackles with great communication ability and clarity a topic that today is extremely important: how much does it costs to a company to turn over personnel, from regular staff to senior figures, and why managers leave?

cost of turn over in a business

Starting from this experience, observed and lived directly for a few months now, I decided to take seriously the know-how acquired in my long experience and my skills as a trainer and coacher and begin to prepare myself technically and with method as trainer of trainers and trainer of strategic leadership.

Therefore, from an extrinsic motivation to provide training, you see now there is an intrinsic motivation, which comes from a desire to support and share what is necessary to share to become a great manager in an organization and a future smart leader.

CertificateOfCompletion_Become an LD Professional
Content cured by: Monica Costa

Content cured by: Monica Costa

Senior Communication and Multimedia Professional

A Senior Communication and Multimedia Professional for marketing, digital innovation, web, print, and audiovisual

Graphic Design & DTP for print, web and multimedia
SEO & Online marketing
AI Marketing
Marketing [ Digital and Non-Digial ]
Multi channel Content Strategy
Audiovisual Communication
Research & Negotiation
Agile methodologies
Advanced Project Management

Based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Own Equipment. Available for local businesses as outsourcing and internal. Remote services for abroad agencies.


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I am always ready and open to any kind of smart cooperation based on mutual respect.

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